Transfer Station Sticker Policy

transfer station sticker


Why is the Town publishing this notice?  Pursuant to the Town’s Pay As You Throw Program Regulations Article 3 Section 1 adopted by the voters of the Town, “All vehicles disposing of waste at the Transfer Station shall be required to have a current Town of North Berwick Transfer Station Sticker attached to the vehicle.  Failure to have the sticker attached to your vehicle will result in the inability to dispose of waste at the Transfer Station.”

Why is the Town enforcing this regulation now?  In the past, this regulation has not been effectively enforced, however, over the past year, the Town has seen in increase in nonresident vehicles utilizing the North Berwick Transfer Station.    As costs of the bags in other communities increase, nonresidents have been disposing of their waste at the Town of North Berwick Transfer Station, taking advantage of the Town’s lower bag cost and free recycling.  The usage of the North Berwick Transfer Station by non-residents is costing residents more money to fund the Transfer Station.  This will require the Town to have to raise the cost of the PAYT Bags sooner than expected.  Currently the Town does not charge to dispose of recyclable items, however, the cost to the Town is approximately $150.00 a ton plus transportation, costing residents nearly $45,000.00 a year.  When non-residents dispose of their waste and recyclables at the North Berwick Transfer Station, this increases the costs to the Town and the costs are then passed onto residents through higher PAYT Bag fees to cover the cost of disposal and transportation.  In order to ensure that only North Berwick Residents are disposing their waste at the Transfer Station and keep our costs as low as possible, the Transfer Station Sticker regulation must be enforced.

The town understands that many people do not like to have a sticker on their vehicle, unfortunately, this is the only method that the Town can effectively utilize to control who utilizes the Transfer Station. 
The Town appreciates resident's cooperation in this matter.

How do I obtain the sticker and is there a cost?  All vehicles that are registered at the Town Hall are offered a Transfer Station sticker at time of registration.  Transfer Station stickers are available to all North Berwick residents free of cost.  If you have misplaced your sticker, another one can be picked up at the Town Office free of charge during normal business hours. 

Failure to display a Current Transfer Sticker will result in your inability to dispose of waste at the Transfer Station. 
Thank you for your cooperation as we try to control the costs at the Transfer Station for North Berwick Residents.